Copyright (c) 2016 Atom Indonesia

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Z Irawati
Centre for Research and Development of Isotopes and Radiation Technology,
National Nucelar Energy Agency, Jl. Cinere Pasar Jumat PO Box 7002, JKSKL,
Jakarta 12070 Indonesia
L Natalia
Research Institute for Veterinary Science, Jl. Marthadinata 52 PO Box 16114, Bogor West Java. 3 Pharmacy Division, Faculty of Natural Science and Mathematics,
National Institute for Science and Technology,
Srengseng Sawah, Jakarta, Indonesia.
CM Nurcahya
Centre for Research and Development of Isotopes and Radiation Technology,
National Nucelar Energy Agency, Jl. Cinere Pasar Jumat PO Box 7002, JKSKL,
Jakarta 12070 Indonesia
F Anas
Centre for Research and Development of Isotopes and Radiation Technology,
National Nucelar Energy Agency, Jl. Cinere Pasar Jumat PO Box 7002, JKSKL,
Jakarta 12070 Indonesia
M Tampubolon
Centre for Research and Development of Isotopes and Radiation Technology,
National Nucelar Energy Agency, Jl. Cinere Pasar Jumat PO Box 7002, JKSKL,
Jakarta 12070 Indonesia