Dose Response of Hp(0.07) on TLD-700 and TLD-900 Based Ring Dosimeters to the Sr-90 Exposure

E. B. Jumpeno, R. Anggraeni, M. Muharani Putri, S. N. Barokah, F. N. Adisti


The preparation of radiopharmaceuticals may necessitate close contact with the radioactive source. In this case, high-energy beta-emitting nuclides can cause a high exposure. There are two methods of measuring the dose in the extremities, including using a bracelet and a ring dosimeter. In this study, the response of Hp(0.07) dose in TLD-700 and TLD-900-based ring dosimeters to Sr-90 beta radiation will be compared for parameters of distance, time, and angle of irradiation. The dosimeters were irradiated using Sr-90 at a distance of 5, 7, and 10 cm from the source surface and all of them were subsequently read with TLD Reader. The same type of dosimeters were exposed to Sr-90 for 1 day, 2 days, and 3 days at a distance of 7 cm and read. At a distance of 7 cm, the other dosimeters were irradiated at angles of 30°, 60°, -30°, and -60°, and then read. The study shows that the relationship between the distance of irradiation to Hp(0.07) dose is polynomial with a correlation factor of 1, both for TLD-700 and TLD-900-based ring dosimeters. The dose response at the variation of irradiation time showed linear behavior with correlation coefficients of 0.9942 and 0.9999 for TLD-700 and TLD-900, respectively. The decrease in Hp(0.07) response in TLD-700 reached 14-31 % for the irradiation angle of ±30o and 23-27 % in TLD-900 for the same angle. Meanwhile, the decrease in Hp(0.07) response at the angle of irradiation ±60o reached 48 % for TLD-700 and 66-67 % for TLD-900.


Hp(0.07); TLD-700; TLD-900; Ring dosimeter; Sr-90

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