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Sadar, M., Center for Isotopes and Radiation Application, National Nuclear Energy Agency Jl. Lebak Bulus Raya No.49, Jakarta 12070, Indonesia (Indonesia)
Sadewa, A.H., Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Jl. Farmako Sekip Utara, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia (Indonesia)
Sadikin, M., Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, Jl. Salemba Raya No. 6, Jakarta 10430, Indonesia Center of Hypoxia & Oxidative Stress Studies, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia Jl. Salemba Raya (Indonesia)
Sadoune, Z., Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Ibn Tofail University, Kenitra B.P 133, Morocco (Morocco)
Saefumillah, A., FMIPA, University of Indonesia, Jl. Margonda Raya, Depok 16424, Indonesia (Indonesia)
Saefumillah, A., Dept. of Chemistry, Fac. of Math. And Science, University of Indonesia, Depok 16424, Indonesia (Indonesia)
Saga, Z., Laboratory of Solid-State Physics, Department of Physics, Faculty of Science Dhar El Mahraz, Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, B.O. 1796 Fez-Atlas - 30000, Morocco (Morocco)
Sahmura, R., Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indonesia University, Depok 16425, Indonesia (Indonesia)
Sahutoglu, G. (Turkey)
Saidin, M. T., 1. School of Physics, Universiti Sains Malaysia Main Campus, 11800 Minden, Penang, Malaysia 2. Perak State Department, Ministry of Health Malaysia, Jalan Panglima Bukit Gantang Wahab, 30590 Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia (Malaysia)
Saikouk, H., 1. Faculty of Science, Mohammed V University in Rabat, P.O. Box 1014, Rabat, Morocco 2. Nuclear Medicine Department, Oncology and Hematology Hospital, Mohammed VI University Hospital, Marrakesh, Morocco (Morocco)
Sairun, S, Center for Science and Technology of Advanced Materials National Nuclear Energy Agency of Indonesia (Indonesia)
Sairun, Sairun, Center for Technology of Nuclear Industry Materials, National Nuclear Energy Agency, Puspiptek Area, Serpong, Tangerang 15314, Indonesia (Indonesia)
Sajjadi, Z., Department of Physics, Payame Noor University, P.O. BOX 19395-3697, Tehran, Iran (Iran, Islamic Republic of)
Sajjadi, Z. (Iran, Islamic Republic of)
Sakai, R., Institute of Applied Beam Science, Ibaraki University, Mito 310-8512, Japan (Japan)
Sakuma, T, Department of Physics, Ibaraki University, Mito, Japan (Japan)
Sakuma, T., Institute of Applied Beam Science, Ibaraki University, Mito 310-8512, Japan. (Japan)
Sakuma, T., Institute of Applied Beam Science, Ibaraki University, Mito 310-8512, Japan (Japan)
Sakuma, T., Department of Physics, Faculty of Science Ibaraki University, Mito 310-8512 Japan (Japan)
Salim, N., School of Pharmacy, Bandung Institute of Technology Jl. Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia Jabatan Farmasi, Hospital Sultanah Nora Ismail, Jl. Korma 83000 Batu Pahat, Johor, Malaysia (Malaysia)
Salimin, Z., Center for Radioactive Waste Technology, National Nuclear Energy Agency, Puspiptek Area Serpong, Tangerang 15310, Indonesia (Indonesia)
Salman, D. J., Education Department of Abu Al-Khaseeb, General Directorate of Education in Basrah, Basrah, Iraq (Iraq)
Saminto, S, Center for Accelerator Science and Technology, National Nuclear Energy Agency (PSTA-BATAN) (Indonesia)
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